Somebodies someone is an organization that helps various groups of people from older people, homeless people and others in need of a friend. My next door neighbor Millie is 100 and I call her 3 times a day and see her every day. I help her with cleaning and paying bills and all the things she can’t do, including the gardening. I love hanging out with Millie because the stories she tells and the pictures she shows me are ones that you would only imagine in history books. Millie has never had any kids but she has been married once. She has a lot of long distance family that live in Croatia (which is where her parents were from) and family all over the U.S. Her full name is Mildred Frances Bradvica and apparently, there is still a village full of Bradvica’s in Croatia. Millie is the most amazing 100 year old ever. She owns two houses that she rents out and she lives above one of the houses. She lives in Hermosa Beach, CA and knows everyone on her street.