Acting in a movie is great but acting in a movie with your friends is awesome! I love playing the guitar and singing so when I found out I would get to do both those things in this movie, I was over the moon. “Pretty Outrageous” is about a girl band who try out for a competition but obstacles are put in their path. I got to work with incredible talent throughout the movie including Olivia Sanabia, Gabe Eggerling, William Romeo, Marcelo Tubert, Jake Brennan, Cassie Brennan and many many more. Filming was a blast. The location was only two minutes away from my house so I got to bike or walk to work every day. Our band in the movie was set in a garage but the garage and house exterior were in two different places so we filmed what was called a plate. They filmed a wide shot of the garage then photoshopped it onto the other house and it looks great. In one of the scenes we have to audition for a new member of our band and everyone of all shapes and sizes show up. People try singing, rapping, dancing, reciting shakespeare and multiple other talents. A big aspect of this film was creating a social media following. Each of the band members created video diaries as their character which will be posted leading up to the release of the film next year. The film is now being edited and we are receiving snippets of the project each day! I will be releasing behind the scenes footage and interviews from the movie starting next year so keep an eye out on my social media!