Making a music video is a difficult process. It starts with a pre-recording. A pre-recording is where you set up a microphone (I use snowball) and record yourself singing the song and if you are playing an instrument then record that at the same time too. Then you film the video. When you sing on camera you have to make sure you are in sync with the song you recorded earlier so it might help if you have it recorded on you phone so you can sing along with it. When you have finished filming you edit it. Make sure that all of the words are synced and that everything looks professional. Is this video interesting for people to watch? Do the images work well with the style of music? Then screen it on youtube or to friends and family. That was the process I used when I recorded the song Telescope by Lennon and Maisy. It took about 4 hours in total from beginning to end. It just shows that you can do this at home, iPhones are great, I use my Fuji.