Sprinkle pool, giant gummy bears, mint chocolate chip garden, huge popsicles, banana scented walls, banana and salted caramel ice cream, hanging bananas, pancake sandwiches… what do all these things have in common? They are all at the Museum of Ice Cream! When I was first invited to the Museum of Ice Cream I thought it was an actual museum not a walk through dream! It started off by getting a piece of chocolate. You then got to hear a message from Seth Rogen. After yelling out your favorite ice cream flavor and jumping up and down you were given a cup of ice cream. That weeks flavor was Banana Salted Caramel. The next stops was a banana-scented-wall room with hanging banana’s that were pink and yellow! The mint chocolate chip room was hysterical because the soil was made from cacao which meant it smelled like chocolate. They gave you mint choc chip mochi to try as well which was delicious! The giant popsicle room was pretty fantabulous too but you weren’t allowed to touch them which was sad. The gummy bear room was my second favorite room because it consisted of multi-colored walls, giant gummy bears and real, edible ones! Did you know that in America, the green gummy bears are strawberry flavored, orange is orange, red is raspberry, yellow is lemon and clear is Pineapple? In the rest of the world, green is lime and red is strawberry! After the gummy bear room came my favorite room…the sprinkle pool! It was so magical! It had 100 million sprinkles in the pool but instead of a tile bottom it was foam so you could jump off the diving board! After I got out of the pool I kept finding sprinkles in my clothes and I still am today. The last room of the Museum was the gift shop where they had a pink ping pong table, ice cream sandwich swing and pink pancakes with blueberry frozen custard in the middle they tasted like heaven. The Museum of Ice Cream is a traveling exhibit that has been to New York and will soon be going to the UK. They were supposed to start packing up in May but because of the high demand, they will be staying till July. I am hoping I get to go back just play in the sprinkle pool, eat the mochi and and eat ice cream. For more information about the Museum of Ice Cream go to www.museumoficecream.com