Vancouver is in British Colombia. Vancouver is where a lot of T.V shows are filmed because it costs less due to their current tax incentives and there are a lot of different landscapes to choose from. I am currently  in...

When you see scenes in a T.V show that are outside, you immediately presume that they are actually filming outside. Well, filming scenes on boats outside can be very challenging so what they will usually do is build a fake...

Agnosia is a form of Alzheimers and that was what the movie is about. I don't want to explain too much about the movie as I don't want to ruin the plot however I do play one of the leads,...

I recently booked a movie called Agnosia. We filmed it in Sedona, Arizona. As always my Mum and I drove to set from Los Angeles, California. On the way we stopped off in Flagstaff, Arizona and we went to my...

Idyllwild is a small town 2 hours east of Los Angeles, up in the mountains. The Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema is the film festival I went to this year. I spent the day at the festival interviewing 15 people! I... Kauai’i is one of the islands in Hawai’i. There are 8 main islands including, Hawai’i, Maui, Oahu, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Kauai’i and Niihau. There is also an island that isn’t part of Hawai’i or ruled by anyone, it is called...

Ever wanted to help out at a soup kitchen? This is the place to go! We arrived at 7:45am and started to help prepare the food, chopping vegetables, bagging bread and cutting onions to prepare the meal to feed the...

I auditioned for MasterChef Junior! I can't give you too many details, but what I can tell you is there are hundreds of kids auditioning for the show in Hollywood and we have to go into a room and...

My second flying lesson, done! I learnt about dutch turns (really sharp turns), flight manoeuvres, and the way a plane fly's. I took my lesson at the California flight school in Van Nuys again. Being in the air makes you...

Carole is the most wonderful women ever! She has a wonderful positive vibe at all times and so does everyone attending her class. I am the youngest in the class but am treated like an equal. Everyone there is so...