I can’t believe I was on my favorite show! Working on Once was a dream come true. Being on set meant I met all of the best characters and worked on the beautiful sets. I walked around Storybrooke and bought memorabilia from the famous Storybrooke shop. Being Young Zelena was the best thing I could have wished for. I used my British accent and we dyed my hair red to match my ‘older self’. When you audition for a part you have to make sure you are what the producers imagine the character to be. I walked into casting and showed them that I was Young Zelena. They actually said I was perfect for the part! I was so happy when I found out I booked the role I thought my cheeks would be bruised from smiling. All the details about the shoot are on the other blog called On Set! Go check it out for behind the scene secrets. I signed a contract saying I wasn’t going to tell anyone about this role and I didn’t. But just to keep everyone on their toes, someone told this website that I was going to play Young Zelena and immediately after that my followers on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter went sky high! It’s crazy the way social media works. On set I had my own trailer and I hung out in there when I wasn’t on set because anyone under the age of 18 has a certain amount of hours they are allowed to be on set, be in school and be in the studio. My limit is 9 hours. In the morning I arrived on set at 5:00am, went into hair and makeup, went to the studio for 7:30am, worked for 6 hours and then had lunch. I then returned to the hotel for 2pm and had a nice afternoon of chilling and checking over revisions for the next days scenes. Being homeschooled, my school is experiencing set life. I look at the cameras aperture and exposure and ISO and learn all about the techno side of things as well as the exciting things like, props, set decoration and the crazy hair and makeup this show has. If you didn’t catch my episode live, go to Hulu Plus or Youtube to catch the full thing. I hope you enjoy it. My episode is Season 5 Episode 19, Sisters.