I think this is a great opportunity for the woman of Los Angeles to show their work in a non-judging environment. I went to one of the panels. The casting panel with Kerry Barden and Pam Dorkin. Kerry Barden was the casting director on Keplers Dream, the movie I filmed last year where I cut my hair. They both spoke about the industry and the audition process. Something simple but effective to remember when putting together a showreel is to make sure your best and most recent work is first, that doesn’t mean a scene where you say nothing but Pierce Brosnan is in it. Its about you and you need to sell yourself. They also spoke about how they cast and how it really can be as simple as your hair color. You must always be prepared when you go in. They also don’t mind organizing generals. This is a meeting where you can turn up to chat about general things as opposed to a specific part in a project.